Go Board Project – Debounce A Switch

And learn how time works inside of an FPGA!

The previous project introduced Flip-Flops, and we made an LED toggle when we pushed a button. However on the last project there was a problem: pushing the Switch did not consistently toggle the state of the LED. This is caused by the switches bouncing. If you are ever using physical switches, you should be careful. Physical switches such as push buttons and toggle switches are all subject to bouncing. Bouncing occurs when the switch is toggled or flipped. It happens in all switches as a result of the metal contacts coming together and apart quickly before they have time to settle out.

I also created a YouTube video for this project, should you prefer to follow along with that.

The image below shows the transition from logic low to logic high of a switch closing. One would expect a nice clean transition. However the spikes are where the switch contacts create glitches on the line. This is what was happening on the previous project. If your eye was fast enough to detect it, you would see the LED turning off and on several times very rapidly while the switch was bouncing around.

Glitches on Switch

The code in the project was looking for a falling edge, but it was seeing many falling edges. If it saw an odd number of falling edges during the bouncing of the switch, then the LED toggled successfully. If it saw an even number of falling edges, the LED didn’t appear to change state to the observer. The number of bounces on the switch is somewhat random, so pushing the switch enough times got the LED to toggle successfully. But we need to fix this. This switch is in need of some debounce filtering!

Debounce Filter, Dealing With Time

The way I chose to create the filter was to make sure that the switch input is stable for some amount of time and only allow the output to change if the input is stable. So we need to know how much time has passed since the switch has been stable.

But wait, time does not exist inherently in an FPGA! This is a fundamental concept that a lot of people miss when first starting in FPGA design. While there are parts of the languages that refer to time, these parts of the languages are not synthesizable.

We already talked about Synthesis. Synthesis is part of your build process where the FPGA tool turns your VHDL or Verilog into Flip-Flops and LUTs and other components. Synthesis cannot synthesize anything relating to time. It’s just not possible! There’s actually a decent number of keywords in both languages that are simply ignored or create errors for the synthesis tool. This means they are not synthesizable.

Okay, what the hell is going on? I just told you that you can’t synthesize time. But I told you previously that we are looking for the Switch to be stable for some amount of time. Hey nandland guy (my name is Russell) you crazy! Maybe so, but regardless we need to be a bit clever about how we deal with time in an FPGA. The way to know how much time has passed in an FPGA is to count clock cycles.

From the previous project we learned that the Go Board has a clock that oscillates at 25 MHz. 25 MHz means that each clock cycle takes 40 nanoseconds (ns). So… how many clock cycles would it take for 400 ns? Answer: 10. And 4000 ns? Answer: 100. See where I’m going with this? If you want to keep track of time in your FPGA, you need to count clock cycles, while knowing what the period of your particular clock is. This is going to be critical in our debounce project. Let’s get to it.

Project Description

Picture of Project Block Diagram

This project should add a debounce filter to the code from the previous project to ensure that a single press of the button toggles the LED

You are welcome to try this project on your own first and see what you come up with. My solution for both VHDL and Verilog are below.

You might be tempted to use a for loop to implement a counter. Let me settle this right now, for loops in hardware languages do not work the way that you might expect them to from a language like C or Java. For loops are an advanced concept, so for now do not use them. Instead, use a counter!

Both pieces of code behave exactly the same, so I’ll explain how they both work. There is a signal called r_State which stores the filtered state of the switch input. The logic that drives r_State filters out the fast transitions on i_Switch and only allows r_State to change when the switch has been stable for a long enough amount of time. In this case, I chose 10 milliseconds (ms).

There is one main process (in the VHDL code) and always block (in the Verilog code) that is continuously looking for a change on the i_Switch input. If i_Switch is different from r_State (filtered output), then a counter is incremented. Once the counter reaches its limit, r_State samples the value from i_Switch. The word samples means that it looks at it for one or more clock cycles, implying sequential or registered logic.

This project is the first one in which we will be instantiating a block of code from within another module. In both cases below, we create the Debounce Filter logic, but this is not done at the highest level of our design. At the highest level of our design (the main FPGA interface) we instantiate the Debounce filter. Instantiation means that create an instance of that code. Instantiation is used all the time in more complicated designs, as it promotes reusability and portability. Now, in any future project that we do that requires debouncing, we can simply instantiate the Debounce_Switch module. Let’s take a look at the code.


The VHDL code below introduces a few new concepts. The first thing you might notice is that there are two files. Debounce_Project_Top is the top level of the FPGA build, which goes to the physical pins on the Go Board. Debounce_Switch is a lower level module which gets instantiated by the top level architecture. You can see how that’s done below. Note that the => is used to map the inner signals on the left to the outer signals on the right.

The code in the top level should be very close to the code from the previous project where we toggled the LED. All we are adding is the ability to debounce the input switch, so rather than i_Switch_1 being used in the process, we need to use the output of the Debounce_Switch module. We need to create an intermediary signal (w_Switch_1), which will serve to wire up the output of Debounce_Switch to be able to be used in Debounce_Project_Top.

For any signals that are wires, I use the prefix w_. Wires mean that the signal will not be turned into a register, it just is used to create a wire between two points. Putting a prefix on the signal is not required, but it helps me keep my code organized and clear.

VHDL Code – Debounce_Project_Top.vhd:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity Debounce_Project_Top is
  port (
    i_Clk       : in  std_logic;
    i_Switch_1  : in  std_logic;
    o_LED_1     : out std_logic
end entity Debounce_Project_Top;

architecture RTL of Debounce_Project_Top is

  signal r_LED_1    : std_logic := '0';
  signal r_Switch_1 : std_logic := '0';
  signal w_Switch_1 : std_logic;

  -- Instantiate Debounce Filter
  Debounce_Inst : entity work.Debounce_Switch
    port map (
      i_Clk    => i_Clk,
      i_Switch => i_Switch_1,
      o_Switch => w_Switch_1);

  -- Purpose: Toggle LED output when w_Switch_1 is released.
  p_Register : process (i_Clk) is
    if rising_edge(i_Clk) then
      r_Switch_1 <= w_Switch_1;         -- Creates a Register

      -- This conditional expression looks for a falling edge on i_Switch_1.
      -- Here, the current value (i_Switch_1) is low, but the previous value
      -- (r_Switch_1) is high.  This means that we found a falling edge.
      if w_Switch_1 = '0' and r_Switch_1 = '1' then
        r_LED_1 <= not r_LED_1;         -- Toggle LED output
      end if;
    end if;
  end process p_Register;

  o_LED_1 <= r_LED_1;

end architecture RTL;

Now let’s look at the actual debounce filter logic. There’s a new package that we are using: numeric_std. Numeric_Std is a package that allows us to perform addition. Without a reference to this package, the + operator below will not work correctly. Note that there’s a different package called std_logic_arith that is often included in VHDL designs. You should never use std_logic_arith because it is not an official ieee supported package.

The debounce filter introduces constants. Constants are set once and cannot be overridden. They allow us to have a nice clean piece of code. Now if the c_DEBOUNCE_LIMIT changes, we only need to change the constant initialization value.

We also introduce a new type: integer. When using integers in VHDL, it’s recommended to put a range on it. This way, the synthesis tool knows exactly the range of the integer and will only synthesize the number of bits that are actually necessary. Additionally, when you run a simulation, the simulator always checks that the integer remains within bounds. If it ever goes higher or lower than you allow, the simulator will give you an error, which is usually a quick way to find that you’re doing something wrong.

VHDL Code – Debounce_Switch.vhd:

-- File downloaded from http://www.nandland.com
-- This module is used to debounce any switch or button coming into the FPGA.
-- Does not allow the output of the switch to change unless the switch is
-- steady long enough time.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity Debounce_Switch is
  port (
    i_Clk    : in  std_logic;
    i_Switch : in  std_logic;
    o_Switch : out std_logic
end entity Debounce_Switch;

architecture RTL of Debounce_Switch is

  -- Set for 250,000 clock ticks of 25 MHz clock (10 ms)
  constant c_DEBOUNCE_LIMIT : integer := 250000;

  signal r_Count : integer range 0 to c_DEBOUNCE_LIMIT := 0;
  signal r_State : std_logic := '0';


  p_Debounce : process (i_Clk) is
    if rising_edge(i_Clk) then

      -- Switch input is different than internal switch value, so an input is
      -- changing.  Increase counter until it is stable for c_DEBOUNCE_LIMIT.
      if (i_Switch /= r_State and r_Count < c_DEBOUNCE_LIMIT) then
        r_Count <= r_Count + 1;

      -- End of counter reached, switch is stable, register it, reset counter
      elsif r_Count = c_DEBOUNCE_LIMIT then
        r_State <= i_Switch;
		r_Count <= 0;

      -- Switches are the same state, reset the counter
        r_Count <= 0;

      end if;
    end if;
  end process p_Debounce;

  -- Assign internal register to output (debounced!)
  o_Switch <= r_State;

end architecture RTL;

Verilog Code

The Verilog code below introduces a few new concepts. The first thing you might notice is that there are two files. Debounce_Project_Top is the top level of the FPGA build, which goes to the physical pins on the Go Board. Debounce_Switch is a lower level module which gets instantiated by the top level module. You can see how that’s done below. Note that the signals in the parenthesis are the ones in the current file. The files before the parenthesis are the ones in the instantiated module.

The code in the top level should be very close to the code from the previous project where we toggled the LED. All we are adding is the ability to debounce the input switch, so rather than i_Switch_1 being used in the process, we need to use the output of the Debounce_Switch module. We need to create an intermediary signal (w_Switch_1), which will serve to wire up the output of Debounce_Switch to be able to be used in Debounce_Project_Top.

For any signals that are wires, I use the prefix w_. Wires mean that the signal will not be turned into a register, it just is used to create a wire between two points. Putting a prefix on the signal is not required, but it helps me keep my code organized and clear.

Verilog Code – Debounce_Project_Top.v:

module Debounce_Project_Top
  (input  i_Clk,
   input  i_Switch_1,
   output o_LED_1);
  reg  r_LED_1    = 1'b0;
  reg  r_Switch_1 = 1'b0;
  wire w_Switch_1;
  // Instantiate Debounce Module
  Debounce_Switch Debounce_Inst
  // Purpose: Toggle LED output when w_Switch_1 is released.
  always @(posedge i_Clk)
    r_Switch_1 <= w_Switch_1;         // Creates a Register

    // This conditional expression looks for a falling edge on w_Switch_1.
    // Here, the current value (i_Switch_1) is low, but the previous value
    // (r_Switch_1) is high.  This means that we found a falling edge.
    if (w_Switch_1 == 1'b0 && r_Switch_1 == 1'b1)
      r_LED_1 <= ~r_LED_1;         // Toggle LED output

  assign o_LED_1 = r_LED_1;


Now let’s look at the actual debounce filter logic.

The debounce filter introduces parameters. Parameters are local constants. They allow us to have a nice clean piece of code. Now if the c_DEBOUNCE_LIMIT changes, we only need to change the parameter initialization value.

We also introduce a subtle addition after the reg keyword. In this case, I declared r_Count to be an 18-bit vector [17:0]. This is read verbally as “seventeen down to zero”. The reason that I chose to use 18-bits to store the r_Count value is that this is the minimum number of bits required to store the value 250000 (which is the value I count up to). I know that 18-bits is the right number, because 2^18 = 262144, which is just large enough to store 250000. r_Count will never actually reach 262144, it will be reset before it gets that high.

Verilog Code – Debounce_Switch.v:

// File downloaded from http://www.nandland.com
// This module is used to debounce any switch or button coming into the FPGA.
// Does not allow the output of the switch to change unless the switch is
// steady for enough time (not toggling).
module Debounce_Switch (input i_Clk, input i_Switch, output o_Switch);

  parameter c_DEBOUNCE_LIMIT = 250000;  // 10 ms at 25 MHz
  reg [17:0] r_Count = 0;
  reg r_State = 1'b0;

  always @(posedge i_Clk)
    // Switch input is different than internal switch value, so an input is
    // changing.  Increase the counter until it is stable for enough time.	
    if (i_Switch !== r_State && r_Count < c_DEBOUNCE_LIMIT)
      r_Count <= r_Count + 1;

    // End of counter reached, switch is stable, register it, reset counter
    else if (r_Count == c_DEBOUNCE_LIMIT)
      r_State <= i_Switch;
      r_Count <= 0;

    // Switches are the same state, reset the counter
      r_Count <= 0;

  // Assign internal register to output (debounced!)
  assign o_Switch = r_State;


Building the Project

Now build the project and let’s take a look at the results. First, take a quick look at the synthesis report to see how the tools synthesized our code. We see much more usage than any previous projects, which makes sense, since now we have more functionality. Neat! Now program your board and make sure it’s debouncing correctly. Every push should now correspond to a toggle on the LED!

Resource Usage Report for Debounce_Project_Top 

Mapping to part: ice40hx1kvq100
Cell usage:
GND             1 use
SB_CARRY        16 uses
SB_DFF          3 uses
SB_DFFSR        18 uses
SB_GB           1 use
VCC             1 use
SB_LUT4         32 uses

I/O ports: 3
I/O primitives: 3
SB_GB_IO       1 use
SB_IO          2 uses

I/O Register bits:                  0
Register bits not including I/Os:   21 (1%)
Total load per clock:
   Debounce_Project_Top|i_Clk: 1

Mapping Summary:
Total  LUTs: 32 (2%)

Gif of results

Pressing Switch 1 Toggles LED… Always!

Your Next Go Board Project: 7-Segment Displays