VHDL Example – Wait Statement
The Wait Statement is a powerful tool in VHDL. It can be used in both synthesizable and non-synthesizable code, but is more often used in test benches and models. Wait can be used in the following ways:
wait until condition
wait on sensitivity list
wait for time expression
Wait until will suspend a process until the condition of the wait is true. If the keyword wait is not followed by until the code will wait forever on that line.
Wait on is equivalent to using a sensitivity list in a process. As soon as any of the signals in the wait on list changes, the code will continue to execute.
Wait for is never synthesizable. However it is still very useful for test benches and for bus functional models. Wait for must be followed by some amount of time, for example 10 ns. Ensure that you have a space between your number and your unit of time or your code will not compile.
One additional note: A process that has a sensitivity list can not contain any wait statements.
The example below demonstrates each of the uses for wait described above. It also contains an example usage of the “after” statement. In VHDL after indicates that a signal will received an assigned value after some amount of time has passed. It is not synthesizable.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | library ieee ; use ieee . std_logic_1164 . all ; use ieee . numeric_std . all ; entity wait_statement is end wait_statement; architecture behave of wait_statement is constant c_CLK_PERIOD : time := 10 ns; -- 100 MHz signal r_RESET : std_logic := '1' ; -- start in reset signal r_CLK_TB : std_logic := '0' ; begin -- Demonstrates: WAIT FOR -- Generates a clock that is used by the test bench. p_CLK : process begin r_CLK_TB <= not (r_CLK_TB); wait for c_CLK_PERIOD/2; end process p_CLK; -- Demonstrates: WAIT ON p_RESET : process begin wait on r_CLK_TB; -- look for first clock wait until r_CLK_TB 'event and r_CLK_TB = ' 1'; r_RESET <= '0' after 40 ns; -- relese reset wait ; -- wait forever end process ; -- Main Test Bench Process process is begin -- Demonstrates: WAIT UNTIL wait until r_RESET = '0' ; wait ; -- example of a wait forever end process ; end behave; |
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