Always Block – Verilog Example
If this is the first time you have looked at Verilog Code before, you should start with a tutorial geared for beginners.
// Create the D Flip-Flop module d_ff (i_clk, i_d, o_q, o_qbar); input i_d, i_clk; output o_q, o_qbar; wire i_d, i_clk; reg o_q = 1'b0, o_qbar = 1'b0; always @ (posedge i_clk) begin o_q <= i_d; o_qbar <= !i_d; end endmodule // Create the testbench for the Unit Under Test (UUT) module d_ff_tb; reg r_D_TB, r_CLK_TB; wire w_Q_TB, w_QBAR_TB; always #5 r_CLK_TB = !r_CLK_TB; d_ff UUT ( .i_clk(r_CLK_TB), .i_d(r_D_TB), .o_q(w_Q_TB), .o_qbar(w_QBAR_TB) ); initial begin r_CLK_TB <= 1'b0; r_D_TB <= 1'b0; #40; r_D_TB <= 1'b1; #40; end endmodule
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