Tutorial – How to avoid creating Latches in your FPGA
The previous article discussed the basics of what is a latch. It was stated that latches should never be used in your FPGA design. The reason that latches should never be used is twofold:
- Often the user who created the latch did so unintentionally. It is highly likely that the HDL code written is not actually what the designer intended.
- They can be very difficult for the FPGA tools to create properly. Often they add significant routing delays and can cause your design to fail to meet timing.
So firstly, let’s ask the question: How are latches created? Latches are created when you create a combinational process or conditional assignment (in VHDL) or a combinational always block (in Verilog) with an output that is not assigned under all possible input conditions. This creates what is known as incomplete assignment by the synthesis tools. The assignment of the output is not complete under all input possibilities. This is bad and should be avoided! Let’s look at some VHDL example code to see how a latch is created.
Latch Creation via Incomplete Assignment in Combinational Process:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File Downloaded from http://www.nandland.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity bad_latch is port ( i_data : in std_logic; i_enable : in std_logic; o_latch : out std_logic ); end bad_latch; architecture rtl of bad_latch is begin process (i_data, i_enable) begin if i_enable = '1' then o_latch <= i_data; end if; end process; end architecture rtl;
Do you see the problem in the code above? What happens when i_enable is 0? This is undefined! The tools assume that when i_enable is 0, the value on o_latch should not change. Since this is combinational logic (no clock is being used) this infers a latch. Let’s look at one more VHDL example that creates a latch.
Latch Creation via Incomplete Assignment in Conditional Assignment:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File Downloaded from http://www.nandland.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity bad_latch_2 is port ( i_select : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); o_latch : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ); end bad_latch_2; architecture rtl of bad_latch_2 is begin -- Incomplete Assignment: o_latch <= "0101" when i_select = "00" else "0111" when i_select = "01" else "1111" when i_select = "10"; -- Fixed! -- o_latch <= "0101" when i_select = "00" else -- "0111" when i_select = "01" else -- "1111" when i_select = "10" else -- (others => '0'); end architecture rtl;
Ooops! We forgot to specify all possible input combinations of i_select. What happens to o_latch when i_select = “11”? This creates an incomplete assignment and therefore creates a latch. A latch is almost certainly not what the Digital Designer intended to create with this code. To fix the code above, the Digital Designer can either specify what happens when i_select = “11” or can use the else clause with no when attached to it. I recommend the latter because it is more flexible. If the width of i_select changes from two bits to three bits your code will still not create a latch. Let’s look at one more example in Verilog:
Latch Creation via Incomplete Assignment in Combinational Always Block:
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File Downloaded from http://www.nandland.com ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module bad_latch_2 (i_select, o_latch); input [1:0] i_select; output [3:0] o_latch; reg [3:0] o_latch; always @ (i_select) begin if (i_select == 2'b00) o_latch <= 4'b0101; else if (i_select == 2'b01) o_latch <= 4'b0111; else if (i_select == 2'b10) o_latch <= 4'b1111; // Missing one last ELSE statement! end endmodule
This code above will generate a latch, because the output o_latch is not defined when the input i_select is equal to 2’b11. To avoid this, make sure that all of your if statements that are used in combinational always blocks always have one last else statement to catch all missing conditions! Another place where a latch could be generated in Verilog is in a case statement that does not include the default assignment. If not all possible cases are accounted for and the case is in a combinational always block then the synthesis tools will infer a latch. Notice that I am emphasizing that this is only a problem when generating combinational logic. When you have registered logic (in a sequential process in VHDL or in a sequential always block in Verilog) you will never generate a latch.
Latches are generated by combinational logic only! Be careful when you are writing combinational code!
Why nonblockung statements are used in comb always block?
because combinational circuits are not concurrent
How do you fix the first case if the intention actually is to hold the past value?
Re “How do you fix the first case if the intention actually is to hold the past value?”
if i_enable = ‘1’ then
o_latch <= i_data;
end if;
if i_enable = '1' then
o_latch <= i_data;
o_latch <= '0';
end if;