“With The Go Board, my free tutorials, and instructional videos, you too can learn FPGAs, Verilog and VHDL.”
My name is Russell Merrick and I created Nandland.com after struggling to learn about FPGAs as a young engineer.
I recall googling issues I was having, only to find forum threads with someone asking the exact same question I had, but with no answer given. I wanted to fix this, so I started blogging about what I learned along the way. With these humble beginnings, Nandland.com has grown significantly, and so have I as an engineer.
I have worked on various projects, mostly around video processing and manipulation, for applications of aircraft, hand-held battery equipment, and satellites. I have always enjoyed writing code and working with hardware and I don’t see that changing. There’s something thrilling about working on a project and seeing your code come to life in front of your eyes. I try to inspire others with my content and tutorials.
In 2014, I launched a kickstarter that raised over $10,000 to build the Nandland Go Board (link). This has led to thousands of Go Boards in the hands of beginners. Since then, I’ve been adding videos to my YouTube channel, continuing to grow the free content available. I am also extremely grateful for the support I’ve received on Patreon, which has allowed me to talk directly with my audience.
I’m currently in the process of writing an FPGA book for beginners, which should be the best introduction to FPGAs, Verilog, and VHDL available. I look forward to continuing the journey of spreading this knowledge to the world, and I thank you for your support along the way!