Learn FPGAs, Verilog, and VHDL.
“Just brilliant! You explained it in a very simplistic manner and that’s what I really needed. Thank you so much!”

“With The Go Board, my free tutorials, and instructional videos, you too can learn FPGAs, Verilog and VHDL.”
I created Nandland.com after struggling to learn about FPGAs as a young engineer. I recall googling issues I was having, only to find forum threads with someone asking the exact same question I had, but with no answer given. I wanted to fix this, so I started blogging about what I learned along the way. With these humble beginnings, Nandland.com has grown significantly, and so have I as an engineer. I look forward to continuing the journey of spreading this knowledge to the world, and I thank you for your support along the way!

Russell Merrick
Creator of “The Go Board”
Author of “Getting Started with FPGAs”